Friday, April 9, 2010

2010 Ballpark Trip Season Underway

2010 Beisbol Trip applications were sent out today! Better late than never, the Ballpark Trip Association is at it again. The process for planning the 9th annual trip is underway. Typically, the Ballpark Trip Association meets early in the new year to create and issue applications. Due to the growing interest in the trip and the international appeal in recent years, key members of the association were hired by private planning firms in order to establish guidance and regulation to upstart associations in other parts of the world. Yes, we are that big; in fact our strength is only exceeded by our mystery.


  1. This entire blog is a travesty and goes against the supposed mystery surrounding the trip. It isn't even password protected - anyone can see it.

  2. Whoever wrote this is a coward and didn't want to admit who they are. Why would we want to password protect this? Everyone in the United States should follow this blog to get an idea of how to put together "The showcase of the Immorals".
    Is this Wilt Chamberlain?
