Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Atlanta Named as 2009 Ballpark Trip Destination:

Official Announcement

Dear valued member of the Ballpark Trip Association,

Over the last few weeks, the Ballpark Trip Association has been collecting data in order to best suit the needs of its members. The primary goal of the association’s selection process is to accommodate the maximum number of members in any given year.

Employing scientifically proven polling mechanisms, the best choice to involve as many members was decided to be… Baltimore / DC / Philly
This included a definitive excess of 3 members over the next suitable destination.
Please know that every attempt was made in order to accommodate this plan but unfortunately, 2009 is proving to be the most difficult year to date as far as scheduling.

July and August, typically the timeframe for the trip were extremely hectic due to important commitments and anticipated life events for existing members. Based on availability of the majority of active members, a suitable schedule could not be reached to include the three parks. Following vetting within the months of July and August, June and September were given consideration to no avail.

As a result, the second choice destination (1st choice for many) is officially being named as the 2009 Ball Park Trip City.

Gentleman, it is with great honor that we name the city of HOTLANTA as home of the 2009 Beisbol Trip. June 24th- June 28 (Or as individual needs allow).

Hopefully, the people that answered the surveys as “maybe” will take the following into consideration.
A single destination means less travel and more time in one city.
Costs of Eating / Drinking / Lodging in Atlanta are typically lower than in the more expensive cities of Baltimore / DC / Philly.
Current Travelocity Roundtrip Farewatcher Rates (3 March 2009)
Seattle to Atlanta $ 305 (SEA to EWR $241)
Phoenix to Atlanta $ 205 (PHX to EWR $245)
Newark to Atlanta $ 155
Chicago to Atlanta $ 128 (CHI to EWR $168)
Raliegh-Durham to Atlanta $ 105
1 or 2 game tickets are less than 3 game tickets
This may be more true in June than it is now due to constraints on buying tickets for the games in Atlanta. We will have to buy more tickets to qualify for a group rate. The excess tickets will be sold by a third party (Probably at an increased rate) The profits from these tickets can go to general drinking funds or to reduce the price of the used purchased tickets.

Please know that there are no hidden agendas and no vote was counted to mean more than any other.

Thank you and see you in Atlanta,

The Ballpark Trip Association


  1. Very nice job, BPTA!

    I will make every effort to attend.

  2. This has to be the best news I have had all day.
    as much as I liked doing multiple cities / stadiums the last few years, its nice to get back to our roots and take over one city to our fullest potential.

  3. WOW gentleman of the BTA. you outdid yourself. I foresee my attendance as a strong possibility despite the odd date of the event. but for now i leave you with this...

    SUCK IT!

  4. This is big! And surprisingly affordable. Thanks BTA for looking into every angle. I'm doing some research of my own to try and suggest a place to stay. I hear the Buckhead section is nice.

    You're gonna say WOW everytime!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Can I come on the Trip this year?

  7. I for one can't wait to see which one of us gets shot at the Gold Club! This trip is going to be off the hook!
