Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Good Dates

Every year, the goal of the Ballpark Trip Association is to make plans to include as many veterans as possible. 2009 is shaping up to present several challenges in the typical time period of the trip, but it is important to remember that it is the participants that make the trip and it shouldn't be the trip that dictates the people. Let's use this space to discuss what dates people cannot attend. Have at it. I will start with saying that I can't be on the trip the first weekend in August or the last weekend in August.


  1. I'm not sure when the mansion party is this year. but usually it's the first Saturday in August, but last year it was the second so what the fuck do I know. Let's say weeks 1 and 2 of August are out for me.
    July is good though.

  2. Man, there's no way of telling for me this year. I don't have any races that will be taking me away in August, but it's impossible to tell how my work schedule will play out. I'd be down for moving it to late July. Though I know I have a monster project in July. Who knows when it will be done? I don't. If it's not east-coast local, I'm probably not going to make it anyway -- too many trips to Asia this year.

  3. If we were to go by current voting and expected trends, How does Early July work. Boston at Orioles July 1, Atlanta at Nationals July 4 (July 4th in DC!!!), and Either Mets or Cincy at Phillies on the way back. (July 5th or 6th). This probably would cut down the amount of days off of work that each of us would have to take (most people probably have off July 3rd as a holiday)

  4. That probably makes the most sense.

  5. I just want to comment on the fact that no one is commenting.

  6. Greetings from Daytona! The only days I would rather not go is the 2nd through the 8th of August. My votes are in I went with any way the wind blows and Atl.

  7. Can't give a definite answer - but I think the only way I'd be in is if we go the local route. I'm also anti July the 4th - we already have an excuse to get drunk that weekend.

  8. I like the choice of games that July 4th weekend. But I am down for whatever and whenever.(Except the Super Local. May as well just stay at home and get drunk then go to see a Newark Bears game.) I should be able to get just about any week off.
