Friday, February 13, 2009

New Polls

Hey Guys,
There are some new polls that are of utmost importance. Please vote only once for each question. I think we are down to two realistic possibilities. Seems there was a strong - late push for Atlanta. Of course the idea is to accomodate the most people that are going to realistically go on the trip. In short, we are looking for the trip that is going to ensure participation the most members.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

No Good Dates

Every year, the goal of the Ballpark Trip Association is to make plans to include as many veterans as possible. 2009 is shaping up to present several challenges in the typical time period of the trip, but it is important to remember that it is the participants that make the trip and it shouldn't be the trip that dictates the people. Let's use this space to discuss what dates people cannot attend. Have at it. I will start with saying that I can't be on the trip the first weekend in August or the last weekend in August.

Welcome to the BallparktripAssociation Blogspot

We are trying something new here. Use this space to post comments or read comments from other trip veterans or potential newcomers. Don't forget to add us to your favorites tab. Also, if you have any good video to add, (I know Ed has a good montage from last year) lets see it. Please answer the short survey below.